A window into the life of a professional geek, wife and mother (and nonni), stitcher/designer, bibliophile, old-school gamer, and whatever other roles she finds herself in.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Monday Miscellany - 30May16

All gave some. Some gave all. Please spare a thought in memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country.

Onward to Monday. I'm actually taking this week off work to have a bit of a staycation. It's unusual for me to take more than a day or two off work and not be traveling, but it is a much needed break for us all. Daughter did well on her finals, and is done with school until August. Well, except for summer work (mostly reading). This week, though, is for resting and recharging. I do have a list of around-the-house tasks to do, but that should still leave plenty of downtime. I hope.

What I've been reading... Last night I finished book 1 of Robert Bevan's _Caverns and Creatures_ series. It's a Kindle 4-pack, so I have 3 more books to go. It's definitely a quick and enjoyable romp. It's possible I'll finish the series this week, but I make no promises.

What I've been crafting... I've been intermittently knitting on Sea Dragon Shawl, but not a whole lot yet since last week. I should get further this week, although I do also want to pick up the magi Nativity panel again as well.

Fumbling toward fitness... I made my usual two workouts at Curves this week, and did 218 minutes on the treadmill for 11.41 miles, which is pretty much on pace with last week. I should match that this week.

One Little Victory I finally took the time to try out my yarn swift and ball winder, and balled up my yarn leftovers from my two afghans, as well as the second skein for Sea Dragon Shawl (I'll probably need that ball tomorrow). Yarn swifts are a wonderful invention, and winding was a breeze!

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