A window into the life of a professional geek, wife and mother (and nonni), stitcher/designer, bibliophile, old-school gamer, and whatever other roles she finds herself in.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Monday miscellany - 23July2018

I'm not sure how Monday has arrived again so quickly!

What I've been reading... I've made some progress on _Wrath of Empire_, and am now at 64%.

What I've been stitching... Dark Shards is continuing to come along well. I estimate I'm probably around 80% complete.

Fumbling toward fitness... Well, despite my predictions of doing better than last week...I stayed the same. I made it by Curves 4 times and treadmilled 5, and Duolingo and Lumosity streaks are still going strong. I have been consistent at logging my food and exercise in MyFitnessPal, and I think my eating choices are improving. So there's that.

One Little Victory The black coffee experiment seems to be going pretty well. I think my consumption has slowed a little, but not significantly.

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