A window into the life of a professional geek, wife and mother (and nonni), stitcher/designer, bibliophile, old-school gamer, and whatever other roles she finds herself in.

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy 2015!

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2015!

Life has been busy with home remodel tasks, so I missed the December WIPocalypse update. There wasn't much to show, really, other than starting a couple of hours on the Magi panel for Nativity. Pictures will have to wait for the next update.

I'm starting off 2015 with a cold of some sort. Instead of sitting around watching bowl games and stitching, I've slept since coming back from visiting relatives. I should at least turn the games on, I suppose. And at least I can only get healthier from here, right?

As with every year, it's time to review last year's goals and make new ones! Without further ado:

2014 Goals
  • Read 7500 pages - I came in at 7878 this year, so this is probably a reasonable recurring goal to keep.
  • Do 10 101List items - I managed 8, and started a new list!
  • Isengard to Minas Tirith (Aragorn's path) - Arrived in mid-July!
  • Rauros to Isengard (Merry and Pippin's path) I'm at 251 of 355.
  • Complete 12 30-day fitness challenges - Sad to say, this had fallen by the wayside by February. I had thought it would be easy to do/keep up, but it didn't take much to completely trash a 12-month plan.

New year means new goals, though since my goals are pretty standard these are likely to be of surprise to nobody.

2015 Goals
  • Read 7500 pages
  • Do 10 101List items
  • Rauros to Isengard (Merry and Pippin's path) At 251 of 355, I should be there by Easter.
  • Isengard to Minas Tirith (Merry's path) This is 578 miles. Hopefully I can be near the end by year's close.

Generically, I'd like to improve my health this year, both physically and mentally. I do tend to carry more stress than perhaps i should, which I'm sure contributes to physical health. And if I can go down a jean size or two, so much the better.

In any case, bring on the new year!


Erin (moviemuse) said...

Those seem very reasonable. I think I'll be joining the WIPocalypse this year!

Sara said...

Good luck with your 2015 goals!

Jan said...

Belinda Good luck with your 2015 goals! Will you be joining Wipocalypse this year and working on TW's Fantasy Triptych?