A window into the life of a professional geek, wife and mother (and nonni), stitcher/designer, bibliophile, old-school gamer, and whatever other roles she finds herself in.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

We're surrounded!

One of the headline news items today was the visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to Virginia for the 400th anniversary of the settlement of Jamestown. When looking at the accompanying photos, my first thought was not about a state visit, or about the thoughtfulness of her meeting with the families and survivors at Virginia Tech...

It was, and I do hope my friends across the pond will forgive me, that at first glance, I thought Her Majesty looked like a Red Hatter! Further pictures showed the actual colors of her ensemble to be salmon and lilac, which I have to admit was nice, but the first picture I saw had me a bit concerned!

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