

I think I did pretty well. DH thinks these are among my best. I did intend for these two to be as different as night and day, and I think I succeeded. I did add a touch of color to Gretel's crossbow (which I'm pretty proud of!) just so she wasn't completely dark.
To be honest, while I was pretty happy with Hansel all along, I wasn't so sure about Gretel while I was working on her. Now, I think she turned out okay. Actually, while I didn't intend so, she reminds me of Aeryn Sun from Farscape.
DD and I also painted her character, a pixie:

I did the detailing on the wings, but she did most of it, and she did the hair and dress. I was pretty impressed at how little touchup I needed to do afterward.
DsS had his go as well on his two characters, a swashbuckler and a mage:

All in all, a productive weekend on the miniature front!
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