A window into the life of a professional geek, wife and mother (and nonni), stitcher/designer, bibliophile, old-school gamer, and whatever other roles she finds herself in.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Email forwarding...

I'm not a big forwarder of emails. Sure, some of the ones I see can be cute, and once in a very great while I'll forward something funny to maybe one or two people that I think would appreciate it. But there are a great variety of annoying ones out there. I really dislike the 'forward to 10 people you know' that many of them have. For one thing, chances are, the 10 people I know either have seen it already, or couldn't care less. Nothing horrible will happen to me if I don't forward it, and I'm not a bad person if I don't forward it. Internet petitions don't work, anything that tracks numbers of forwards doesn't work, anything that says "(random cool thing) will happen if you forward this" doesn't work.

My latest annoyance, though is the "This is important - please forward this to everyone you know." type email, that a simple check at Snopes.com could easily reveal to be a hoax. Today, I've been spammed, at work even, by the Ashley Flores hoax...

First, two different people forwarded it to the *entire company*. This was followed up by 3 different 'reply alls' stating "this is a hoax"...
...which was followed up by *25* different "reply alls" saying "remove me from your list". *rolls eyes*
Finally, one guy did a 'reply all' saying it would keep our inboxes less full if everyone would just stop doing "reply all". So far there haven't been any new emails on this, but it's only been about 10 minutes.

Oops...spoke too soon. Just got two more...

I pity anyone here who was away from their email for the past hour or so. And I almost pity the original sender. Almost.

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