A window into the life of a professional geek, wife and mother (and nonni), stitcher/designer, bibliophile, old-school gamer, and whatever other roles she finds herself in.

Monday, November 29, 2004

I'm Done!

*cues carollers singing "Shopping is done!" to the tune of "Carol of the Bells", with male voices in harmony chanting "Done. Done. Done. Done."*

Yes, my friends, I am done with my holiday shopping! Everything I am giving is either in my possession (my office is great hiding spot) or on order. And I have only set foot in two stores - Toys'R'Us, and a specialty store that I will not yet name because DsD reads my blog. Don't want to spill the beans. I won't be giving away anything to say that I did a lot of my shopping on amazon.com. It's traditional!

DD does *not* read my blog, being only 5. I got her some Clikits stuff and a few LeapPad books. I also got gifts for two Salvation Army angel tree kids - there's a tree up at my work, and I picked two very little girls to spoil. I like buying for the real littles, especially ones that are only asking for simple things. Kids asking for high-ticket items like game consoles just don't really seem as 'needy' to me. (That may not necessarily be right, just my take on things. Counterexamples are always welcome!)

I'm also not spilling what I got for DH, since he regularly reads my blog. If I had some idea of what I might want for Christmas, I could hint here. But I really have no clue as to what I want. DH always gets me wonderful things...sometimes too wonderful - he's gotten some stunning pieces of jewelry that I don't often have a chance to wear, and sometimes they make me feel a little unworthy. He's also gotten me a beautiful Celtic harp that I haven't played much, but really want to learn someday. Hm. Maybe gut strings for the harp? I've heard they hold tone a lot better than the nylon strings she currently has (yes, my harp is a she).

Well...I'm sure I'll think of something, or he'll surprise me. He's got an upcoming business trip - maybe he'll find inspiration there. I'll be happy with anything he gets me - I hope he'll be happy with what I've ordered him.

Ah, but about my long weekend....it was very relaxing! Thursday we worked the dinner up at church - serving and cleanup, and we got to stuff ourselves as well. Then we went home and took a long nap, then went to my favorite Irish pub for dinner - they were also holding a fairly traditional Thanksgiving buffet. So we stuffed ourselves there too. So Thursday, and indeed much of the weekend, can be summarized by "eat, watch football, sleep".

I did do some stitching, though - a couple of ornaments for DD's teachers. I'm not good at ornamentizing, so I made them into coasters.

Ornaments: JCS 2001 Christmas - Heritage Series, "Snowflake 2001"; JCS 2000 Christmas - Moss Creek Designs, "16th Century Celtic Christmas"

Saturday I went through DD's clothes, and made a donation to the thrift store. Supporting the needy while reducing the clutter in my house - an excellent deal.

So that's my weekend in a rather large nutshell!

*wanders off as the "Done!" carollers fade out*

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